Olive McCarthy
When/how/why did you take up running?
I did a 0-5k programme in 2015 as a way to get fit post-pregnancy. Soon after I discovered Parkrun and found it a great way to stay motivated.
Why did you join Togher AC?
One day I saw Michelle Nelson (with whom I work) out running in her Togher AC singlet and asked her about the possibility of joining. I was worried I wasn’t fast enough/good enough/fit enough. She encouraged me to come along to the Fit4Life group. Everyone was so friendly and encouraging and I never felt like I didn’t belong. That was 2017. The feeling hasn’t changed.
What is your preferred distance?
Definitely 5k. Get it over and done with and on to the coffee and cake.
What is your PB?
24:34 at the Bweeng 5k in 2022. It’s got a nice downhill start and a downhill finish. And the cakes are worth speeding up for.
What is your proudest running moment?
My kids willingly running a Parkrun with me on Christmas morning at Glen River.
Who are your coaches?
Ahem….I’m not renowned for turning up to training! I would have to give a shout out to Dan McCarthy and Aidan Hartnett, though, for leading out on Circuit training at the clubhouse every Friday night. I never miss that!
What is your main running goal for the next 12 months?
Keep putting one foot in front of the other.
What is your most memorable race/running moment and why?
Parkrun is very special and has irreversibly changed the purpose of Saturday mornings. The parkruns in Stormont and Inch Beach stand out for their awesome settings.
What do you like most about Togher AC?
Everyone says this because it’s true – it is a hugely friendly, supportive and inclusive club. It is open to runners of all abilities – everyone belongs.
What would you say to someone thinking of taking up running?
Togher AC offers a 0-5k every year with a very supportive group. Or go to a Parkrun (it’s free and friendly) until you feel more confident. Be careful though – Parkrun is addictive!
Who is your favourite sporting hero?
Brian Cody (my husband made me say that).
What is your favourite food, drink and movie?
Blue cheese with literally anything, coffee and La La Land (with the alternative ending).