

Volunteers are vital to Togher AC. Our committee and coaches all give of their time freely and the growth and development of the club is totally dependent on their involvement. There are a number of different ways that people get involved in volunteering with Togher AC:

  1. Club Committee: Key roles in our club include Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Officer, Competitions Registrar, Public Relations Officer and Child Welfare Officer. Members can put themselves forward to be on the committee at the annual general meeting (AGM) that takes place at the beginning of December each year.
  2. Coaching:  If you are a club member or a parent, there are opportunities to become involved as a coach with the club. A commitment to help out with training for a particular age group each week will be necessary. The club will support you to do Athletics Ireland coaching courses if you are interesting in developing your coaching skills e.g. Assistance Coach, Little Athletics Leader, Fit4Life Leader, Level 1 etc.
  3. Christmas 5k Charity Road Race: We welcome volunteers who wish to help out in the organisation of our annual road race. Tasks may include stewarding or refreshments duties.

All volunteers are required to apply to be a volunteer Sports Leader with the club. To do so you will need to complete our Sports Leader Application Form  (Click to download and return to  childwelfaretogherac@gmail.com.  Volunteer Coaches are also required to go through the National Garda eVetting Procedure (Click on the link for further information or see below).  

For the AAI eVetting Procedure:
Step 1:
Complete the AAI eVetting Invitation form, sign it, present original ID’s with photocopies to the Club Children’s Officer for validation. Then post your completed eVetting Invitation form along with photocopies of the ID used, to Kieran Stout, Athletics Ireland, 19 Northwood Court, Northwood Business Campus, Santry, Dublin 9. This form contains the legal declarations required for an eVetting invitation which will be subsequently sent to you by email to you from athletics Ireland. The reason for this is that your signature is required to authorise the eVetting process.

Step 2: Once your completed form is received, Athletics Ireland will then send you an e-mail  inviting you to complete the online eVetting Application Form.

Get in touch through childwelfaretogherac@gmail.com if you have any questions about the procedure or see the AAI guidelines HERE.

For your information, the following documents should also be downloaded and followed:

Contact childwelfaretogherac@gmail.com if you are interested in becoming a volunteer with the club.